The parts you need,
when you need them!
2G Parts and Equipment Ltd.
5714 - 51 St.
Grimshaw AB, T0H 1W0
Phone: 780-332-2240

2Gparts and Equipment has a large inventory of new, used and remanufactured products so that we can provide the right parts and solutions for your equipment needs.
From forestry, construction, oilfield, or oil and gas let us find you the solution that improves your operation and your bottom line.

Today, our customers' fleets can be very diversified.
At 2GParts and Equipment we work to find the right parts and attachments to fit your fleet including buckets, chuck blades, rippers, winches, rakes and grapples.

At 2GParts and Equipment we know that the undercarriage is one of the most frequent and expensive costs of maintaining your machine.
We have a track press machine at our location offering affordable undercarriage options including rollers, idlers, and shoes, easing your transportation costs.